lovenotfear Thoughts and inspiration for a happier you


No, it’s not a word puzzle, so my apologies if you spent the last 17 minutes trying to figure it out.

What it is, is an acronym. You know how some people wear rubber bracelets that say WWJD? It means What Would Jesus Do? - and the purpose of course, is to get you to stop and think about whether the way you are responding to something is the way Jesus would respond. Or to give you guidance when you don’t know what to do.

I have a better one. When in doubt, ask yourself:
What Would the Best Version of Me Do?


A client sends an email that triggers you and you’re about to pop one back, resplendent with phrases like “as per my last email”, “just so you know” and “by the way”.

Stop. Ask yourself – what would the best version of me do?

You’re out with some friends, your partner is at home and a cutie starts to flirt with you. What would the best version of you do?

Even if you are just considering staying in bed for another hour or in your PJs all day. Is that would the BEST version of you would do?

Whether in work, relationships or just when you’re by your own self, there is always the option to be the best version of yourself in that moment. And sometimes, the best version of you DOES stay in bed for another hour or in your PJs all day because self-care doesn’t come naturally to you, and it’s what you really need in the moment. There is no specific right or wrong. It’s not WHAT WOULD THE BEST VERSION OF STEVEN DO (or Rory or Alison). What would the best version of YOU do?

Next time you’re confused about what to do, how to do it, or whether to do it at all, remember WWTBVOMD? And then do that.

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